Most of the students usually do a great work during their B.Tech, M.Tech or MCA projects but due to lack of understanding and guidance of writing a good research paper make their efforts go unrecognized and appreciated by the research and academic communities.
This post gives a list of basic ingredients and basic structure for a good research paper in Engineering. This structure can also benefit in writing research papers in science and management too.
There are six basic elements of a research paper. They are, Abstract, Overview and problem statement, Literature survey, Proposed method, Experimental data analysis and results, Conclusion and References. A good research paper is a combination of these sections, where every section is written as best as it should be. Abstract: it gives concise information about the paper. Usually it consist of six to seven short sentences and of 150~200 words. A good Abstract includes a statement about problem, proposed solution, and a statement about the datasets and results. A final statement that addresses the contribution of the paper to the relevant field of research. Make this very simple precise and understandable, as readers will decided to read complete paper or not after reading Abstract.
Overview and Problem Statement: This section consists of several paragraphs. This section addresses the problem domain (field or area), its importance and applications. Solving an important problem with good application will usually lead to a good paper. The best practice is to make this section simple clear and easy to understand. If possible try to add references each statement addressing the importance and application.
Literature survey: This section contains information about the existing methods available to solve the same problem or related problems. A good literature survey usually contains a comprehensive and exhaustive list of methods used in past, their advantages and disadvantages and their applications.
Proposed Method: This section and results are heart of the paper. Every minute detail about the proposed method need be explained in this section. It is better to writ this section considering that you are writing it for a person who doesn’t know anything about the field and you need to explain him the solution.
Experimental data analysis and results: This section contains information about experimental data generation or collection and its properties. Application of data to proposed and other existing methods and a deep analysis of result and their validation make this as an ideal section.
Conclusions: A good conclusion to the paper usually contain two to three paragraphs mentioning the superior properties of the proposed solution compared to existing methods and state its significance in the field with useful applications.
References: these research papers published in journals or conferences and relevant to the research work being written for the publications. Make sure that the format given by the journal is followed for all references and all of them are cited in the paper.
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